The piazza dims down to darkness for a moment, until small triangular light emblems
appear, which move around and multiply in the upper part of the façade, swirling like
clouds of stars or a flurry of snow, building a random pattern of light. The triangular
shape and the rose color of some of the light shapes resemble of the AMO flacon,
the new perfume that is launched with this event.
At certain moments, the spinning light emblems find together to group words that
appear on the façade: “AMO Ferragamo”, “AMO Milano”.
During this animation, the two buildings left and right waft in color gradients between
red and crimson to enhance the passion and suspense. In the end of this scene, all
light dots move down, fluttering in streams towards the three entrance doors of
Palazzo Mezzanotte, as if these doors are magnetic. They cluster together around
these doors, building up tension until the three doors swing open, unleashing bright
white light that beams out towards the audience. (For some seconds, the columns
and the pediment appear as if they are made of glass, with the crystalline surface of
the “AMO” flacon, getting filled up with the pale pink liquid.) The visitors can now
enter the building through the bright tunnels of light, and the party begins.